Saturday, 11 August 2012

Early Start

Awake at 6 and rolled out of the site at 7.40.
A few flat kms and then into the biggest climb of the day. Being early didn't make it any less steep (10% for most of the way) but it did mean not having to worry about the traffic and it was quite cool.
Breakfast at the belvedere at the top of the climb.
It was quite emotional at the top of the second climb when Mt Ventoux came into sight for the first time. When I was on the the summit in March to be able to do this tour was still a dream.
The rest of the gorge was a series of ups and downs and fairly uneventful (although Sue claimed I tried to lose her on one section. I didn't know her chain had come off.) but it was very scenic.
We chatted to a young German who was aiming to reach Madrid in less than 4 weeks from home. 150k a day but he said he had no time to look at anything. I think I prefer our way, but we have the luxury of time.
We decided to stop short of our original target as St Martin looked attractive and the campsite seemed ok, had space( but full by 4 ) and wasn't too dear at 13.50€.
Ride was done by noon, 39k and 590m of climbing.
Bought cheese and melon from the market as it was closing and some wine from the boulangerie and then fell asleep...again.

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